Panorama "PG Point"

Revision Date: May 4, 2022


34.7925  -94.9036    Talihina, OK

launching at Panorama

photo by Warren Puckett

hang gliding at Panorama

photo by Scott Scallion

Panorama "PG Point"

Requirements for pilots Paraglider Hang Glider
Minimum required rating & special skills P2 FL H3 FL RLF
Recommended wind limits (mph) Min:0 Min:5
  Ideal:7 Ideal:10
  Max:15 Max:20
  Gust:5 Gust:5
Wind direction ideal 90
Wind direction OK 45-110
Launch altitude ft 2,100
LZ altitude ft 897
Launch to LZ distance 0.9 mi
Glide ratio to LZ 4.0

All pilots must read: Additional requirements for Oklahoma sites

Notes – launch

Launch is approximately 11 miles northeast of Talihina, OK (here are some images of directions to launch and the LZ).  Go north on US highway 271 past Talimena State Park and turn on to the Talimena Scenic Drive (Hwy 1) and go about 4 miles to the launch entrance (a locked gate) on the north side of the highway.  Stay on the graveled road to launch.  Keep the road clear by parking on either side.  Overflow parking is not allowed outside the gated entrance but pilots and visitors may park at one of the many overlook areas that are a close drive to the gate.  Pilots at launch will do their best to give a lift to launch!

paragliding in winter at Panorama

photo by Rena Brown


Be aware of large boulders near the perimeter of the launching slope.  Pilots should leave launch at trim speed (hands up) to reduce the likelihood of impacting ground obstacles.

Intermediate rated paragliding pilots should take note of the glide to the LZ from launch.  When a pilot is 100' lower than the base of the launch-cut, fly directly to LZ.  This is especially important if the pilot's glider is EN rated A or B.  It can be typical to be within a few hundred yards of the LZ and encounter tremendous sink and then bullet thermals coming of the edges of the LZ.

Top landing should only be done by P4 pilots.

Traversing the ridge east should only be done if a pilot is higher than launch.  There can be tremendous sink between the ridge and the LZ.


This beautifully groomed launch is ideal for any hang glider pilot with good slope launch skills. Great opportunities for thermal flying are especially good on post frontal days. The 1.5 mile ridge facing east northeast frequently provides spectacular soaring flights at the end of the day.

Panorama "PG Point"

PG Point launch

Panorama was developed in the 70's by Dave Morton with the help of other hang gliding pilots.  We are very thankful for the fruits of their hard and tireless work to make this magical site available to the ultralight community!

hang gliding at Panorama "PG Point"

Dave Morton - photo by Ryan Mahoney

Dave Morton at Panorama "PG Point"

Dave Morton - photo by Warren Puckett

Panorama "PG Point"

John Russell getting ready to go!


34.7949  -94.8880    Talihina, OK

Panorama LZ

Notes – LZ

Directions to launch and the LZ

The NFS has asked us to not drive past the gate into the LZ unless for an emergency or necessary maintenance.  For maintenance stay near the tree line, if possible, and do not drive down the center of the field.

Hang gliders have right of way in the LZ at all times.  PG pilots should always be on the lookout for hang gliders approaching the LZ.  Pilots should clear the center landing strip immediately after landing.

This is a hot LZ.  The trees right around it release thermals during the day and getting down can be difficult sometimes, especially midday or when it's particularly hot.  There can also be 600-800 ft/min sink in the area outside the perimeter of the LZ so it is important to arrive at the LZ with altitude in case you need it.  When there is any wind in the LZ, you can expect rotor and turbulence, some of which can cause minor collapses in paragliders.


In thermic conditions is not uncommon to have a heat bubble over the entire landing area.


The Panorama LZ is surrounded by tall pine trees.  Although the field looks large it has significant challenges in addition to being a significant thermal generator.  The pilot should have developed restricted landing field skills before flying this site.  There is a gentle down slope from the southeast end of the field to the gate, with the NW and SE sides sloping down toward either tree line.  The best entrance is usually to pick a low corner of the field and attempt to land on the upslope toward the center.  Many of our pilots flying high performance gliders have found using a drogue chute when landing is a huge advantage.

Panorama LZ

Panorama LZ